Tuesday, June 27, 2006

mobile diary of my journey yesterday

Friday, June 23, 2006


Before I go to bed, I just want to note that whilst hares watching, I saw 2 deers!!
There wasnt very many hares, but the deer sighting was a good incentive.
anyway, got to stop, my head hurts now, as my blog say " sometimes you just have to stop"

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


This picture is from Matt185 in flickr of one his great pictures of wildlife, this is not one that I took myself. It was taken in the same region though.

I've been wanting to spot hares near enough so I can see them properly. Walking around fields seems to only give glimpses of them. I wasn't even sure that they were hares, except the part that it looks a bit bigger than a bunny. However this morning when I look outside the window into the fields, something flashes so fast amongst the tall grasses, as a hare could go about 70km/h. Isn't that amazing?

So in the evening I just sit by the window, watching the field. Because they say that hares are active in the nights and sleep in the day. And there they were, lots of hares or most probably one big hare and its leverets (baby hares) (the spell checker doesn't have this word in it). Hares tend to live singularly, with its mate or with its babies.

It was great. I might go hare watching again tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

mobile diary of my house

Monday, June 19, 2006

Can't help it

I miss Jakarta, I miss my friends, I miss the food, the cheap things.

I'm not the kind of person who gets home sick and I can't really say that I'm home sick anymore, this is my home now.

I still feel Jakarta is the best city to live in, its so fun...!! You can go out at night any time to eat, there will always be food stalls open. The shops closes at 10 pm, not 6 or 7pm like in England or even closes at Sundays like in Holland. I know its really famous for its traffic jam, but I like driving in Jakarta its so d
angerous and exciting, you can use your car horn anytime you want!! hahahha..!! I guarantee you, if you can drive in Jakarta you can basically drive everywhere!


this picture is a courtesy of memoirsofaswifty at flickr

The food are various, no such things as bland without any spice grey food. You can find any type of food (usually very cheap) from any country and any part of Indonesia. Going to cinemas aren't as expensive as it ishere and people are a lot nicer. Oooh.. And its so hot that I can wear my flip flops all the time. No Coat NEEDED!!

I guess I miss my friends the most. With my friends I don't need to worry about faux pas, I don't need to worry whether I'm going to offend them or not,and I can rely on them. Anyway, hopefully I'm going to see Jakarta and my friends soon.

Friday, June 16, 2006

mobile diary of my garden

I was sitting outside in the garden and wanted to take pictures using my mobile. here they are

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wimborne folk festival

It was great!!!
well for anyone who doesnt know what is wimborne folk festival, here is a press release:
Every year in the weekend of the second week of June Wimborne, Dorset, England hosts a festival of folk traditions. The Wimborne square is closed for vehicle, stalls of every kind (selling stuff, tombola and charity raffles) spreads all over the town centre. Different attraction is performed, punch and judy for the children and lots of circusey type of thing. Morris and Folk dancing groups shows of their talents are also scheduled to perform continously in various location of the town. Ussually there are more than 30.000 people visits the festival during the whole weekend.

Pubs are normally full with people, some pubs (such as the white hart)provides bands as entertainment all weekend long The big event for locals however happens in cricket pitch just in the outskirt of the town centre. A massive tent, with a long bar and a big stage (not as big as pop concerts but big enough), is where people gather around to socialise and enjoy FOLK Bands. In peak time the queue to get in the cricket pitch takes abour 1 - 2 hours.
This year is my second year of folk festival its getting even more fun. We spent the whole weekend, going down to pub and every night in the Cricket pitch. Of course to avoid queue we would go rather early. On saturday night, we were getting a little bored and considering to go home, however the Pronghorns was going to perform!!. And when they did they were amazing, I know some people will say folk music is not cool, but I can guarantee you this is. I think its cooler than some EMO PUNK stuff. You could not not do the pogo!! honestly if you were there, if you wouldnt be able to even keep your head still.People were actually crowd surfing and stuff.
It was rough!! I even nearly get into a fight with someone!! (as people would say Im that wouldnt hurt a fly..well thats not true, anyway I don't really like fighting) and no!! I wasnt even drunk!!

In 3 words : it was fun!! then the next day the pronghorn played in the afternoon. Again we dance and dance and dance!! Even my friend's dad was dancing !!

We dance so much that our muscles were hurting and we could walk without "aw..oo..aw"ing.

Couldn't find any pictures, just have to wait till my friend sends me one

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

have you ever seen

one of these?? ---->>>

As long as I can remember, hand dryer has always been the fat one with a fat short nozzle the older one has a silver big button to operate it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


you know in friendster and myspace, your friends sometimes put up questions and answered and you can copy past the questions and answered post it. Well I haven't do one of those for ages, so I'm going to do one to day on this blog.

Name Two Bad Habits You Have:
-as my previous post said I'm Lazy
-tend to nag

Name Two Things That You Wish You Had:
-driving license
-the ability to do everything well and quickly

Name Two Scents You Love:
- sun lotion (it means its summer)
- the smell of a new country (you know when you visit other country it always smell different, specially from the un changed air you were just breathing in the airplane)

Name Two People That Know You the Best:
- I don't know, because it happens a lot that when I think I know someone then I realise I know nothing about them, this includes my family

Name Two Things You'd NEVER Wear:
- I couldn't think of one, you might be required to wear in a fancy dress party, anyway dressing up is fun.

Name Two people You Are Thinking About Now:
- Dan Jackson
- Ian

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today
-half packed, made cupcakes, check my email, watered my sun flowers

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
-3 tank tops, butter, flour, sprinkles

Name Two Drinks You Regularly Drink:
-water & milk

Name 3 Must Haves in Your Bag:
-my action sampler, wallets and mobile

First Grade Teacher Name?
-hmm I cant remember the name its a lady I think..

Last Words You Said:
-take care

Last Song You Sang?
-in my head , sandy thoms " I wish I was a punkrocker with a flower in my hear",I actually find the lyrics ridiculous,
-outloud (to the guitar), some old song I cant remember the title, it goes "you dont remember me but i remember you it was not so long ago you broke my heart in 2"

Last Thing You Laughed At?
- my self

What's In Your CD Player?
- donavons frankenreiter

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
- not wearing one

What's Under Your Bed?
- Lots of crap

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?

Current Passion?

Current Hair?
-unwashed and messy

Current Clothes?
- pj's

-The unkept promise

Current Desktop Wallpaper?
-someone made it for me its a red mouse

Current Worry?
- I wont finish before the deadline because of the unkept promise

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Being idle

I think I should emphasise on the word sometimes on my blog title. Because when I stop I couldn't start!! hahahhaha!! I'm so lazy the other day, I stayed in bed till 13.30! The biggest problem is I know I'm being lazy, the consequences of it and how to overcome it (well, I was told loads of times by everybody on how to overcome it), but I don't do anything about it because I'm so lazy ( I guess I really don't know how to).
Most of the time I'm lazy because I'm bored, right now I'm bored, need a good book to read. Anyone has an advice on good books?
No books on wars, politics and history please!! (especially on concentration camps)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Nature reserve

We went for a walk yesterday, we went out to look for the nature reserve. We followed the map and when we got there all we can see was a massive field of wheat. It was a good view, however we wondered whether we read the map correctly. Apparently we did. The nature reserve starts of from the field to a chalk hill. Its amazing how flowers and lots of other plants can survive in a dry and chalky area.

When we went up the hill, we saw a clear horizon and when we reached it, there it was, a gorgeous view of the valley and miles and miles of rural landscape. It was a nice surprise, after our long walk. We had our picnic just on the edge corner of the hill, we ate our lunch enjoying the view and watching a skylark flying just bellow us in the valley.

Friday, June 02, 2006

I guess

I haven't really found what I actually want to write. Should I consider this as my diary? Where I describe my daily life? Should I act like I know everything about everything and then voice my opinion on it? Maybe I can analyse the things that are happening around me like some sort of an expert? And give review on things? Or pretend that I can write, and write literary?

Probably I should just write everything, and like everybody say what's important is to "be my self" (yuck!! I think that's probably the most over rated advise ) << ---- here is one of myself trying to voice my opinion. Anyway, some people will give an introduction about themselves, I dont think I need to do that considering the amount of freaks out there, and the people who knows me will know who I am. Plus its more fun to be anonymous since I've always been conspicuous to other people.

Here we go again

I know I was suppose to stop, but I guess I couldn't. This is my 4th blog address and it may get abandoned like the others.