you know in friendster and myspace, your friends sometimes put up questions and answered and you can copy past the questions and answered post it. Well I haven't do one of those for ages, so I'm going to do one to day on this blog.
Name Two Bad Habits You Have:
-as my previous post said I'm Lazy
-tend to nag
Name Two Things That You Wish You Had:
-driving license
-the ability to do everything well and quickly
Name Two Scents You Love:
- sun lotion (it means its summer)
- the smell of a new country (you know when you visit other country it always smell different, specially from the un changed air you were just breathing in the airplane)
Name Two People That Know You the Best:
- I don't know, because it happens a lot that when I think I know someone then I realise I know nothing about them, this includes my family
Name Two Things You'd NEVER Wear:
- I couldn't think of one, you might be required to wear in a fancy dress party, anyway dressing up is fun.
Name Two people You Are Thinking About Now:
- Dan Jackson
- Ian
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today
-half packed, made cupcakes, check my email, watered my sun flowers
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
-3 tank tops, butter, flour, sprinkles
Name Two Drinks You Regularly Drink:
-water & milk
Name 3 Must Haves in Your Bag:
-my action sampler, wallets and mobile
First Grade Teacher Name?
-hmm I cant remember the name its a lady I think..
Last Words You Said:
-take care
Last Song You Sang?
-in my head , sandy thoms " I wish I was a punkrocker with a flower in my hear",I actually find the lyrics ridiculous,
-outloud (to the guitar), some old song I cant remember the title, it goes "you dont remember me but i remember you it was not so long ago you broke my heart in 2"
Last Thing You Laughed At?
- my self

What's In Your CD Player?
- donavons frankenreiter
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
- not wearing one
What's Under Your Bed?
- Lots of crap
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
Current Passion?
Current Hair?
-unwashed and messy
Current Clothes?
- pj's
-The unkept promise
Current Desktop Wallpaper?
-someone made it for me its a red mouse
Current Worry?
- I wont finish before the deadline because of the unkept promise
Name Two Bad Habits You Have:
-as my previous post said I'm Lazy
-tend to nag
Name Two Things That You Wish You Had:
-driving license
-the ability to do everything well and quickly
Name Two Scents You Love:
- sun lotion (it means its summer)
- the smell of a new country (you know when you visit other country it always smell different, specially from the un changed air you were just breathing in the airplane)
Name Two People That Know You the Best:
- I don't know, because it happens a lot that when I think I know someone then I realise I know nothing about them, this includes my family
Name Two Things You'd NEVER Wear:
- I couldn't think of one, you might be required to wear in a fancy dress party, anyway dressing up is fun.
Name Two people You Are Thinking About Now:
- Dan Jackson
- Ian
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today
-half packed, made cupcakes, check my email, watered my sun flowers
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
-3 tank tops, butter, flour, sprinkles
Name Two Drinks You Regularly Drink:
-water & milk
Name 3 Must Haves in Your Bag:
-my action sampler, wallets and mobile
First Grade Teacher Name?
-hmm I cant remember the name its a lady I think..
Last Words You Said:
-take care
Last Song You Sang?
-in my head , sandy thoms " I wish I was a punkrocker with a flower in my hear",I actually find the lyrics ridiculous,
-outloud (to the guitar), some old song I cant remember the title, it goes "you dont remember me but i remember you it was not so long ago you broke my heart in 2"
Last Thing You Laughed At?
- my self

What's In Your CD Player?
- donavons frankenreiter
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
- not wearing one
What's Under Your Bed?
- Lots of crap
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
Current Passion?
Current Hair?
-unwashed and messy
Current Clothes?
- pj's
-The unkept promise
Current Desktop Wallpaper?
-someone made it for me its a red mouse
Current Worry?
- I wont finish before the deadline because of the unkept promise
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