Monday, June 19, 2006

Can't help it

I miss Jakarta, I miss my friends, I miss the food, the cheap things.

I'm not the kind of person who gets home sick and I can't really say that I'm home sick anymore, this is my home now.

I still feel Jakarta is the best city to live in, its so fun...!! You can go out at night any time to eat, there will always be food stalls open. The shops closes at 10 pm, not 6 or 7pm like in England or even closes at Sundays like in Holland. I know its really famous for its traffic jam, but I like driving in Jakarta its so d
angerous and exciting, you can use your car horn anytime you want!! hahahha..!! I guarantee you, if you can drive in Jakarta you can basically drive everywhere!


this picture is a courtesy of memoirsofaswifty at flickr

The food are various, no such things as bland without any spice grey food. You can find any type of food (usually very cheap) from any country and any part of Indonesia. Going to cinemas aren't as expensive as it ishere and people are a lot nicer. Oooh.. And its so hot that I can wear my flip flops all the time. No Coat NEEDED!!

I guess I miss my friends the most. With my friends I don't need to worry about faux pas, I don't need to worry whether I'm going to offend them or not,and I can rely on them. Anyway, hopefully I'm going to see Jakarta and my friends soon.


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