Thursday, July 20, 2006

I heart Recycle

We manage to recycle more than half of our waste. At least we put in the recycling bin at the nearest recycling area. Our bin man only take 2-3 bag every week from our bin (we reuse carrier bag for our waste).This is our kitchen bin, we got it with the 4 pounds of compost bin.

All of those direct mails that come to our door goes straight to the paper recycling box. Of course we rip of the plastic window if it has one. And if it has our name and address we rip that and put it in our compost bin.

We haven't got to the phase of using ecover and eating organic stuff simply just we could not afford it yet.

Plastic bags that comes with vegetables etc are reused as sandwich bags and packing lunches. When we go to the supermarket we bring our own plastic bags or a box. We also try not to use as much plastic when we have our loose vegetables.

aluminum foil that are not to dirty, we also put that in the recycling bin.

When you already used to all of this , it feels very wrong when you don't recycle, its funny really but its true.

It even feels wrong when printing I use only one side of it. I always try to use both side. If I can't like if I did it at uni than I'll use the back side of it to write notes.

You might want to think to do the same thing, its not really difficult if you know how too. Maybe it will help to reduce global warming, prevent all the natural disaster that has been happening. Read This.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


It seems so unfair, all of the things that happened to Indonesia as a nation.
The people are struggling with poverty, low education level, unstable government, etc etc.
Adding to all of this a huge tsunami in 2004, a huge earth quake, and another tsunami in Java.

Its so sad, that nations that are safe and have a comfortable life are going to war...whats up with them?

Im not trying to go all politic bla bla I hate those things. I hate all this. I hate TV when all I have to watch is vanity, crime and sufferings.

I cried today. you might say.. "yeah you are complaining but what are you doing about it?"

I might not be doing anything, but me like everyone else are helpless with this things, I dont know.

I'm so upset I dont know what I'm writing.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Swansea, Mumbles, Wales

We went to wales to visit our friends in mumbles near swansea. Its a nice area, many small interesting shop and good Ice cream shops. We went camping on the saturday by the beach. I love going to the beach. It was really warm and calm which is very pleasant.
3 of 5
We had lots of fun, trying to fly kites,eventhough there is no wind. Watching little crabs that were on the beach digging themselves into the sand, swimming, tried skim boarding, etc.

camper kitchen

There is one thing that just shocked me, well Im already accustomed with the pre marital sex in western countries. However it still shocks me how young people are when they had sex. anyway, why am i suddenly talking about sex? well because when we were having a barbeque in the campsite, the tent next to us started moaning and huffing and puffing. We know there were 3 boys and 2 girls aged around 16-17. This moaning kept on and on , to cut the graphics. Two of them were having sex whilst the other 3 were also inside the tent talking to each other comfortably.

It surprise me so much because they were quite loud , even the 5 of us who were making substantial noise can hear them.Plus they were having sex when there friends were there.
Just scare the hell out of me on how the teenagers think these days.

Adding to all of this we were woken up at 4 oclock in the morning by the boys chatting up because the girls went away to the toilet. We can actually hear the boy telling his mate graphically of how the sex went including him not having a condom on and he said that it was fine because he pulled out before he came.

It really scared me, in this decade full of information, this boys still thinks its ok to have sex without any condom.

I'm really shocked.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ice cream cupcake

YUum ice cream cupcake
Hahaha I thought I wouldn't suceed. But I did. I thought the cones will go really burnt. But it didn't.

I had the idea from Cheryl Porro's inspiring cupcake blog. But I didnt use her recipe, because the ingredients are measured in cup, last time I tried converting it all went wrong. hahahha! its probably because I'm an amateur baker. Instead I used the usual spongecake recipe with a twist.

My journey last couple of days

It has been tiring. I'm glad I'll stay at home for the rest of the week until we are going to Swansea. Camping!! love it!! anyway here it is the mobile diary:
beatles viewer2
Follow the orange lamp post

the beach yesterdaydeserted

Friday, July 07, 2006

through the door

red room
Originally uploaded by Meiguessjustme.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Emergency dessert.

Even though my dentist just told me " Lay off sweet stuff" I cant help it!! am addicted!! aaaaaaaaaa!! I'm helpless.
Last night we ran out of everything sweet, except 5 ginger nut biscuits and 125g of mascarpone cheese, sugar and a bit of cooking chocolate.
so I made:
4 chocolate cheesecake cupcake (with ginger nut base)
for the base:
5 ginger nut biscuits(cookies)
3 tbsp butter
1 tsp caster sugar

125g mascarpone cheese
20g caster sugar
60g dark chocolate

-crushed the biscuits,
-melt the butter in a pan mix with the sugar
-pour in the biscuits, mix properly
-remove from heat, using a spoon divide in 4 cupcake tin evenly and press it
-melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of shimmering water, remove from water after it melt and let it cool for about 1 mins
-mix the cheese with the sugar, till it soften, then fold in the chocolate.
-put the mixture on top of the biscuit layers, refrigerate until it harden and its ready.

I will try to make a proper cake out of it by timing all of it by 6. Hope it will work.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Coffee anyone?

I'm having my weekly coffee dosage ( I only drink coffee when necessary). As I pour the Indonesian coffee that my mother brought from Indonesia, I thought to my self " why am I pouring it into a cafetiere?". Its a finely grounded coffee more refined than the ones you found in UK. However its not an instant type of coffee like nescafe, it will leave residue. You can actually put straight in the cup pour water, wait a minute , and drink it without any of the grounds stuck on your teeth.

I learned that coffee here is different than the one in Indonesia (never used to like them), because the coffee they have here is not as strong as the ones in Indonesia that actually gives you headache. Even though it said on the package Java Coffee or Sumatra Coffee.

The very usual coffee brand in Indonesia is KOPI KAPAL API, its very black and strong. You can always find coffee in small "Warungs" everywhere. It is serve on a big clear mug or small glass put on top of a saucer. Some people have it black and some put condense milk in . Of course we have nescafe, but those are usually to drink cold. We also have starbucks, coffee bean around in malls and the favourite drinks would be the frappucino. We even have coffee candy.

Anyway, the things that I learned here is when I went to an English house they have this Cafetiere (My American friends called it French Press). I've seen them before but have not used them. When I asked them do you have instant coffee they say " instant coffee is more of working class type of coffee, they don't really experience drinking coffee". I thought to myself " well ok, but instant coffee is quicker to make, and less washing up".

By the sound of the name I assumed they get it from the French, English people even though they wont admit it loves French things. There is a notion of being posh if you are well acquainted to French things. I never thought of cafetiere more but got used to using it, because ground coffee is nicer than instant.

One day we had a team meeting in my house, one of my team member came straight from Paris just a couple months before. She wanted coffee, so I gave her the coffee in a cafetiere and a cup. Surprisingly she didn't actually push the filter down, she just poured it out. I thought stupidly " well this must be how they use in France". But I was still curious, the next time it happens I asked her is this how they do it in France, she said " I've never used this things my entire life so I don't know how to"then I said " I thought this thing is French"then she said " I don't know any French who use this thing, maybe its Italian".


Today I thought about it and looked in Wikipedia and it said it is French.
And.. its bad to drink coffee from it... AAAAH!!! I just finished mine.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mobile diary of my walk

this was yesterday

Sunday, July 02, 2006

England Lost

As you all probably know that England Lost the world cup to Portugal. They lost on the free kick, like they did last time in Euro cup.

I was actually quite disappointed. Everyone else was really sad, and some even cried. I'm not a football fan, Im not even an England fan. But I don't know why that particular game I want them to win. I guess its because Rooney got a red card, without any reason at all. And I really like Crouch the really tall guy, he plays really good (for my amateur eyes anyway).

We have been in the O'neill's (an Irish Bar, funnily enough) since 14.00, can you imagine? the game starts at 16.00. Well last time we were there 15.30, there was a queue and no one got in so we had to go to some other pub. Even our friends that has been there since 13.00 didn't get a seat. I wonder what time did the ones who has seats got there?

Anyway this is the first time I went to a proper pub game viewing. Everyone dressed up, they brought with them horns, big inflatable hands, inflatable hammers,flags etc. They sang and sang together. In this particular bar I can't even remember how many times they sang " I'm England till I die, I'm England till I die, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm England till I die!". It was a very lively crowd. I had fun watching these people.